A YouTube Correspondence about Race and Culture
I must commence with a word or so about this post. I entered into a correspondence with a gentleman a couple of years old than I on YouTube.com several week past. This individual came to my attention while I was pursing a few videos on the newest Brad Pitt film, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which is based on a F. Scott Fitzgerald short story by the same name. You will read the simple, yet direct, statement he left on the video’s comment wall. From there, all, but the final reply, went from his YouTube wall to my YouTube wall and so on. The final reply was sent in a private message to me.
If one finds his or her way to his page, one will find the following self-description. I add it here to give the reader a further understanding of the reasoning behind some of the questions and responds. I did not enter into this discussion to sway this gentleman’s mind, only to better understand it. This is the same principle on which I go to church when home, just to have something or someone with to argue.
Here is this gentleman's self-description:
Name: Sean
Age: 26
.....“Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We
.....ought to obey God rather than men.” -- Acts 5:29
.....I support White Nationalism; I'm against interracial relation-
.....ships for various reasons; and I do my best to be a Christian.
.....The reason why I strongly disagree with interracial relation-
.....ships is because I don't enjoy watching the destruction of the
.....white race, which now only makes up 8% of the entire human
.....population that's 8% out of 100%. The way I see it, people who
.....support interracial relationships are mindless idiots that let
.....others think for them, genocidal racists who want to see my
.....race gone, or scoffers walking after their own lusts.
.....I'm a dedicated Christian and I care a lot about people, unless
.....they dislike me first then I just ignore them and deem them
.....arrogant and simple minded, I always consider other people's
.....opinions instead of just passing them off as ignorant. I try my
.....best to follow all 10 commandments, including observing the
.....Sabbath day (Saturday). I'm also aware Halloween, Christmas,
.....Easter, etc. are pagan holidays, instead of observing those days,
.....I observe the 7 “Holy Days” because when Jesus came he never
.....came to implement or take away any laws, he came to save
.....humanity and fulfill God's promise of a savior.
.....So, I'm pretty much Pro White and a Christian.
Here is his and my correspondence:
xScrappiex: I can’t believe you perverts condone the message in this movie.
ThinDreamer30: Two things. One, to what message were you referring, as in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, or should my next question answer this for me? Two, and I am sure you have heard this before, to what reply do you give that Jesus was not white?
xScrappiex: Number 1: That movie promotes pedophilia.
Number 2: I never said Jesus was white. No one knows what his race was. No one. And to make an image of him and worship it is blasphemy and idolatry. What brought that question up anyway?
ThinDreamer30: To reply. One, I disagree about the pedophilia, since the film portrays the mental state of the characters as developing on the same linear trajectory, not their physical appearances, which do progress counter to the other. That is, a relationship of the minds, not the bodies, wherein one may argue emotions and attractiveness abide. Two, I was just reading the comments on here and the summary on the left-hand side of the screen before posting, that is all. I probably was a little presumptuous. Nonetheless, would it not stand to reason that a man born in a particular geographical location at a particular historic time might be the race of that region and period, at least the odds seem to testify to such a conclusion?
xScrappiex: Let me ask you this: shouldn't every race be allowed to have their own homeland or is that a racist way of thinking?
ThinDreamer30: To reply to the homeland question. I simply see it as not being practical and more harmful than beneficial. All men possess ideas, and through the voluntary exchange and expansion thereof of these ideas, mankind creates his prosperity. I find any type of action taken in the form of tribalism, be it cultural, racial, or religious, to be an attempt by the collectivist, in which degrading the individualist, and as well the retardation of progress. That being said, each may do or try as each pleases as long as no harm befalls another who shares ideas counter to which.
xScrappiex: So Africans get Africa; Asians have China, Japan, etc.; and Arabs get Saudi Arabia, but Europeans aren't allowed to have a place they can call home? Why does Europe have to be a multicultural land?
Also, what race are you? Do you think whites are less than human or something?
ThinDreamer30: To replay to a place to call home. Firstly, Europe and America have such diversification due to their prosperity and as the rest of the world prospers these nations as well will also become more diverse. It is only a matter of time. Secondly, home is not simply a piece of ground or even a race, but a shared idea. As man moves away from physical demarcations, such as race and blood, he then finds a community of individuals with shared ideas;--that is, the mind, itself, is what defines a man, not anything else. Thirdly, I do not approve of culture as means of fact or justification: it is a form a collectivism and stagnation. Fourthly, I am quite a pale white guy, mostly German, Irish, English, Polish. Yet, forthrightly, I care little about such matters, for I view myself as American only, because The America Experiment is an experiment of ideas, not land or colour. Finally, white individuals are no less and no more human than any other. We, as all races, are equal in our humanity, if nothing else.
xScrappiex: I noticed you assumed I was a supremacist like the asshole you are. ;)
Just because someone supports white nationalism doesn't mean he thinks he is more supreme than anyone else. I shouldn't have to tell you I have a Jewish friend or a black friend to prove I'm not a supremacist, (even though I do have a Jewish friend).
Your ideology is false. You, like most people, assume a culture is not static;--nations defend their cultures so they remain static. By saying, “It's only a matter of time,” it's kind of like saying, “Why take a bath if you are just going to get dirty again.”
ARROGANT people like you THINK they know it all as if they were intelligent, but you are just as close minded as you claim me to be.
I do not believe I have finished with this discussion. I just have not yet replied. I worry about man’s ability to live with inconsistencies. My grandmother often uses the old saying, “Speaking out of both sides of one’s mouth.” It seems so glaringly obvious. I will note, I corrected most of his spelling and grammar errors for this post.
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