Religious Faith Under Exam
If I told you I was an atheist, you might stop reading and say, “God help your soul.” If I told you that you were an atheist, the odds are you stopped reading and thought, “He does not know me and my relationship with God.”
Firstly, the realistic fact is you are atheist.
You will not grant credence to Santa Claus as the Justice, Apollo as the Son, Jupiter as the Father, the Flying Spaghetti Monster as anything but the figment of the imagination, for that matter.
What distinguishes God or Allah or the Godhead from these supernatural, nonexistent beings?
Nothing at all.
Sam Harris--philosopher, neuroscientist, and author--gives the example: “If I told you that I believe there is a diamond buried in my backyard the size of a refrigerator...”
Granted, this diamond is invisible as well as the little, green gnomes which guard it.
“It might,” Harris continues, “occur to you to ask me why. And, if in response I gave the kind of answers you hear.... The answers which describes the good effects of believing as I do. So, I said things like ‘Well, this belief actually gives my life a lot of meaning, or I wouldn’t want to live in a universe where there wasn’t a diamond buried in my backyard the size of a refrigerator.’”
What makes these types of beliefs appear as the first signs of mental illness? Yet, when one replaces the invisible, non-active, refrigerator-size diamond with an invisible, non-active being named, by chance, Elohim, Jehovah, Yahweh, God, Jesus, or Allah, it becomes now someone’s religion and we do not question.
Secondly, no grounds exist to favor one god over another, as popularly believed.
So, when faced with the reality that geography and economics actually indicate and shape, for the most part, one’s religious views of the world, and when the realization takes place that practitioners of other faiths believe just as ardently as one’s own self, then how does one justify that newly found knowledge in a way that God or Allah or the Godhead might have intended?
Well, first off, if you go by the Torah, you are to stone the gentile or nonbeliever. (Deuteronomy 13:1-11 and Deuteronomy 17.)
However, if you go by the New Testament, you are to slay those who do not want to be reigned over. (Luke 19.)
The point is your religious faith is directly linked to the part of the world from which you come. On the one hand, if you are a Georgian or Mississippian, you are likely to be a Protestant Christian. On the other hand, if you were reared in
The same is true of the financial class in which you were raised. The poorer classes are always more likely of being religiously faithful.
Finally, why does being an atheist, as reported by a
Yet, when one truly considers the fact we all are atheists to one faith-based dogma and/or another, why do we not just mistrust the whole 100-percent majority?
Richard Dawkins, biologist at
So, if God or Allah or the Godhead stands “knees and toes” with other mythological beings and even to a mental fabrication or two, and if one’s religious identity is based on which plot of ground he or she was raised and how many nickels are in his or her pocket, then why not go another god further?
Again, I did a poor job proofreading this week's column. Yet, in my defense, I had two Sociology papers due yesterday and I did not get started until about 4:30pm. I had the thoughts but not the structure worked out. So, I was wrestling with that and missed about five simple grammar errors. Things like, giving a plural verb to a singular subject and a forgotten word as well as leaving an article behind after reworking a sentence. I am ashamed to call myself an English major these past two weeks. The thoughts are very simple. I read several books and watched dozens of lectures on topic of atheism and the plot holes in the religious texts and thus the beliefs.
I haven't been able to get to your blog in some time. Some say, I didn't try; others claim that I didn't care. The truth of the matter is... I was on my way to the computer for the sole purposes of reading your blog and saving blind orphans in some way. Well, half were blind, half were deaf, and a quarter were imaginary dillusions. So, like I was saying, I was walking to the computer when I was ambushed by smut peddling shemales of the jehova witness persuasion. I was avalanched under many, many British Tonnes of filthy/erotic literature; and, after sustaining numerous papercut-esque lacerations to my eyes and genitals, I lay there in a stooper contemplating the correct verbage and spelling of the word for being pinned under an avalanche. Well, to make a short story shorter, I summoned Voltron, made it to your site eventually - after fighting my way through the onslaught of adult entertainment, mortgage rates with 0% APR, and penis enlargement spam. I read the articles I missed and came to the conclusion that I hate you and everything that you represent. But then it dawned on me that that wasn't enough hate for you. So I looked elsewhere and decided, in addition, to hate everything that you're against as well, whilst simultaneously disagreeing with you on a whole other level that you couldn't possibly begin or stop contemplating vis-a-vis. Thusly (Yes, this last sentence is so important that it deserves a made-up double adverb and need not be concerned with not coming at the end of the paragraphical structure of text) I must now go pray to my deity. She's a high altitude weather balloon in the shape of underdog that relays messages from space to the recieving plate in my head. Obviously, that's why I wear the tinfoil hat (technically, it's more of a burka to remind me why we're different (solely because I choose to be (because you made me that way))); and yes, to answer your question, the plate in my head is technically made out of teracotta instead of metal, but when combined with the CIA signals eminating from my braces, my medications act up and I need to be reminded that God hates you almost as much as your wife - the only difference is that God hates you because of your tiny penis. Your wife hates you simply because 'that's what all the cool kids are doing these days.' And honestly, the whole miniscule penis thing and premature ejaculation isn't your fault - you were made in God's image; it's just too bad that God was circumcised and is too sensitive to the touch. In a few years he'll have erectile dissfunction, and then he'll really be pissed - but for right now, he only hates you because deep down inside, he has indegestion... er, deep down inside, he has self esteem issues and really wishes that he hadn't felt up his cousin in the garage that one Thanksgiving when I was 14. That, and indegestion. God can't handle Thai - they need smiting.
Plus, I hate to learn about other cultures other than the ones I made up in my brain. They should just conform to my God, Greg, for both of our sakes. Greg's a pretty cool guy once you get to know him. Okay, so maybe he used to be a woman, but, plastic genitals (in my experience) are just as good as the plastic ones. At one point I had a point, but that all ended by the time I fought off the smut peddling smut peddlers and made it to that second sentence of this comment. Keep up the good work. And by that, I mean, Keep up the good work. ...and, something about you being a godless heathen. Every time I hear/see/smell the word 'Gentile' the next word in my associative mind is 'sissy'. That, and I giggle a little because I thought I heard/saw/smelled (smelt?) 'Genitals'. Jesus, I just put 'Smelt Genitals' into my head (figuratively). Mmmm, nothing like melting vaginas (or, as 'The Gays' call 'em, 'vaginas')
Fuck you.
Good Column, I have read some stuff by Dawkins. I hope you got a great deal of joy from this comment.
Doug E.
Doug Evans is a pussy. Hence forth, he shall be known as Anti-Jesus... or, AJ for short.
I hope you enjoyed this comment, AJ.
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