No Baby an Angel
Why do we, as a society, even attempt to protect children? Is protection really what children or is it society that needs protection?
Children, overlooking their guileless exterior, are not innocent creatures with pure intensions; their actions show the fundamental animalistic nature within each living being. Every individual born into this world initially cares about one individual and that individual is oneself.
It is plainly society that is afraid of children (with good reason).
Society’s defensive stance against children is the particular result of its own fears. Society teaches ethics, morals, rules, and laws, and the punishment, if any of these are broken.
Consider this: when an adult does or says something that pushes society’s limits of tolerance, what do we voice back to that person? We say, “Quit being childish,” which means more explicitly, “Quit acting like a child because the social circumstances we are in do not approve.”
We, as a compassionate group of men and women, believe we have an obligation to shelter children due to their so-called naivety, yet after pondering, if we will, the thought process of a child, we will disclose that assumption itself is naïve.
Being realistic, children are irrationally selfish, demanding, hateful, violent, loud, crude, and revengeful. Children are blatant lairs and they have no comprehension of respect for another individual’s emotions.
Every child--realizing that the word “love” is a powerful term to adults, maybe because of the sincerity in our voices--screams out to any given parental figure that “I don’t love you anymore” or “I hate you” or “You are a bad parent; you don’t love me.” That is an example of the pain they intensely inflict.
Some adults praise children for their frank honesty, yet many more are embarrassed. Furthermore, I believe rightly so, and out of that embarrassment society protects itself against the multitude of these miniature combatants.
These pint size individuals might be held as a so-called fresh air in a stale world, yet the actions of our little off-springs are deemed unacceptable in the adult reality due to the push for harmony--that is, for a society to function there has to be guidelines or rules.
Now, people can understand my disliking of children. That is not true. I love kids, yet I am worried about the idea of becoming a parent one day. Children are not angels and I hope my girlfriend better comprehends my disdain for parenthood.
Yes, my dear, I do comprehend your disdain for parenthood. However, your parenting skills (excuse me, your fear of children)are superb.
I love you...
By the way, I will have our little "warrior" one day. Haha
Why do we attempt to protect our children?-- Biological neccessity. We pay off our debt of being raised by our parents by raising children of our own. You neglect that you were once one of these children and you have reduced yourself to a demon that behaves in good social manner due to your social conditioning.
When someone acts out of societys typical bounds we tell them to quit being childish? Example??? Murderers, drug-pushers, prostitutes, thieves... Are these the "children" who are talking about? It seems that you have taken a common phrase and spinned it a little out of context. Have you considered that we do not say 'quit being childish' as derogoratorily towards children but instead aimng at that persons desire to be considered an adult?
We are not afraid of children, it is the opposite. We have an unmatched love for them. We teach them morals because morals are innate features of the human mind in any society or culture. Yet, the proof of the love is in situations where children are trained to steal and kill when thier parents socioeconomic structure is not favorable to survival. The child becomes a nurturer of the parent in spite of thier non moralistic upbringing.
On your description of the nature of children... You have over-generalized an entire age set based on either your personal experience or pop culture. I have witnessed the kind hearts of children giving away things that even adults would hold dear. To every negative characteristic you ascribe to children, I can think of far more counterexamples then examples that concur with your theory.
The childs disregard of the word love is not a product of his desuire to hurt. It is much more a result of his ignorance of permenance. The child seeks what they want in a moment with no knowledge of consequence or empathy, not because they are incapable, but because sympathy requires experience, and empathy is quite the abstract duty you are asking of a child. You forget that the child has an unconditional love that goes beyond what he can attach a word. That word is not near as powerful as your concept of it, in fact your own definition of love will never fully envelope its meaning.
Now... Why do you really disdain childhood? I propose that you deeply recognize that the whole theory you proposed is complete hogwash. I instead assert that you are more likely trying to avert responsibility. The idea of giving yourself to someone that may hurt you probably scares you. Perhaps you fear not being able to maintain your composure over the child saying mean things to you. You are the first I have encountered amongst older individuals who was so vulnerable to the attacks of children unknowing of the hurt that they may inflict. I don't know maybe its common. I'm not sure if it is appropiate or ironic...
The writer shatters at mere words, the very tool he has taken to his side to forge a livelihood and philosophy.
Especially strange when considering the child is using a mere trojan horse on your defenses, his attack of words are words without any emotion, experience, or knowledge within.
I am flabbergasted by your passionate response my friend.
Thank you for setting Joshua straight.
But the question remains; Will you have children?
Hey! ( I know you´ll know who I am).........I just wanna say that I know you´ll have a little angel one day......and I hope you´ll find the right woman to do that.........And I also know that you´ll be the best father that a little angel could ever have.......
Someone that will always keep you in her heart............
I believe he's found that woman : )
Love you puppy,
Mrs. Joshua R. Parsons
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