Thursday, July 07, 2005

Innocence Again Today was Lost

I awoke to the news this morning--hearing of tragic attacks in London. Again, these terrorists struck precisely at another vein in our beloved Western Civilization. It is not only England that faces these violent actions organized to stall the economy and paralyze the spirit but the rest of the world as well. They stood beside us on the 11th of September four years ago, and so now it is our turn to affirm our stance with our ally. Yes, we have differed in our beliefs and personal doctrines, but what friends do not? These despicable and appalling displays of cultural genocide fail in comparison to the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, yet lives were lost all the same to this religious fundamentalism, which is spreading throughout the globe.

A man on the news today asked, “How should the U.S. respond to the London attacks?” I feel it is simple just the same as they did for us--with open arms. And together we will declare in one loud voice, as Prime Minster Tony Blair stated, “We are united in our resolve to confront and defeat this terrorism. We will not allow violence to change our societies or our values.” And as President George W. Bush added, “We will not yield to terrorists. We will find them and bring them to justice.”

I know I am running behind. I was planning on posting a piece on my 4th of July; however, the situation that occurred in London today made it seem improper. I might post it later, but this time I send my love and whatever else I can give to the families of the victims.

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