Wednesday, June 22, 2005


As your mayor I would strive to represent the town as a whole and to forge working relationships with developers, industries, businesses, and other government agencies. Growth is inevitable and all parties participating should understand, accept, and move to make it a manageable growth, instead of ill-planned and irrational growth. Any one party, be it local businesses, national industries, and/or town government, working independently could only lead to the degeneration and degradation of the town’s—in some ways still infant—infrastructure. There will be differences (some obvious and some not so), but these differences must be openly discussed and overcome before workable solutions can be reached. Due to the large number of persons employed within the town and the immediate areas, what occurs here affects this county as well as surrounding counties, municipalities, and lives of their citizens.

As mayor I would work with your elected council for the benefit of everyone involved. Your support and your vote will be appreciated.

Gary Stalnaker
Candidate for Mayor

My grandfather, 72, ran for mayor of our little Appalachian town about mid of last month. He came to me and asked if I would write up an address to be published in the local newspaper, so the citizens would be informed on his stance of businesses and industries. My grandfather won 195 to 40.

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