Saturday, January 03, 2009

Intro of Self, Revised

I am an undergraduate student in Economics at Marshall University, while also minoring in Mathematics and English. I plan on obtaining a Ph.D. in Economics. Economic research is my passion and joyance. I know within myself harbors and labors a scholar of a real Asimovian mathematical psychohistorian, the economist. Also, I expect to one day be a man of letters: fiction, both novels and short stories, in the forms of the philosophical and the allegorical; non-fiction, both novel-length and pamphlet-size, in the forms of either technical or popular. A few short stories have been completed and I have mapped out in detail my novella, The Cage. Furthermore, I have commenced to researching and modeling my first non-fiction work, The Godless Society: An Economist Explains a World without a Deity.

My grandparents raised me from the age of four years, and due to my grandfather's practical nature, moral influence, and his tales from his years as a police officer and public figure, as well as his life in general, I seek answers through reason and evidence with always a healthy skepticism of convention, authority, and collective organizations. Moreover, as child, my grandparents entertained company weekly discussing local and national political and economic issues, and in these gathering, I sought to join, for one reason or another. I was advised when I had something to contribute then I was allowed the floor, figuratively, of course. I remember still the feeling I got, the rush, when the adults stopped and listened to what a seven year old had to say; I remember still the placement of all in the room, where I sat and the colors of what I was wearing; however, not a damn idea to what they were discussing or to what I even said.

Almost all my discussions, today, therefore, embrace an academically argumentative tone, wherein I beg of all parties engaging in the given discourse to argue the issue, not the person;--personal attacks display only the whipping asininity of one's lacking reason and evidence. The maintaining of ones temper and mannerisms when pressed by an argument that is or is not rooted in logic and/or backed by data which may weaken or even counter one's own, defines one's maturity, civility, and rationality.

I value, myself, a political philosophy of Pro-Choice in all matters, Transparency in all cases, and Self-Responsibility at all times over any third-party Accountability. I believe in Efficiency, noting that self-sufficiency is seldom the same thing. What's more, I value a personal philosophy wherein Perspicaciousness, Comprehensiveness, and Consistency held by the great minds with their self-interest and personal curiosities expanded for us all the knowledge of the once tribal to the now celestial. Remembering that civilization presses forwards by the very few great minds, not by the numerous strong backs, I strive for knowledge.

As a bright-eyed child, I watched and drew from certain fictional characters, in which I now find their traits. These characters are, to name a few, Batman, Zorro, MacGyver, Highlander, Maxwell Smart, Jefferson Smith. As an analytic teenager, I witnessed and learned from several in my small town who were entrepreneurial in spirit and laboring in body. These individuals I became close with and also had the honor of working under at times.

As a young man, I desire mental stimulation on nearly an hourly basis, that being, I love knowledge and advocate education;--education in the forms of seeking and reading and analyzing facts in an opinionated world, ergo, wielding tough questions and demanding solid answers. That being said, education does not come from a nightly television show, yet from reading, not newspapers, but books and journal articles.

Political Views: Libertarian Republicanism
Religious Views: Atheism
Philosophical Views: Objectivism

I thought it was time to readdress my description of myself, since to last done in another blog post, Intro of Self. Hope someone cares.

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